As many of you have probably seen on the news or social media, the greater Denver area is about to get a lot quieter. Starting this Friday, the COVID threat level will be raised to Red, or Severe Risk. Elderly and at risk patients are asked to shelter at home, schools are beginning to go remote again, gym capacities will be down to 10%, and according to the Department of Health, there should be no personal gatherings.
For many this will remind you of when we first had shutdowns. I know it is very frustrating for us all, especially for small business owners. Those that own restaurants, small shops and boutiques, bars, and gyms are going to take another beating as we go under more restrictions to fight COVID. Unless another stimulus comes through, many of them may be in danger of going out of business.
If you are in a place financially to support these businesses, please do! Order takeout food, shop locally, and maybe patronize online/remote gym classes. They can all make a world of difference.
Stay safe out there and wash your hands!
-The Elska Team