It’s that time of the year again and you are undoubtedly running out of time to get the most out of your dental insurance benefits. If you are in Lakewood, Colorado and need a dentist for an oral health tune-up, Elska Dental would love to help you out!
Whether it be using your benefits for a filling, crown, or just a cleaning, we can would love to fit you into our schedule to get your smile looking amazing for your upcoming holiday parties.
If you have a Flex Spending Account (FSA) they are also typically use-or-lose benefits. Don’t give your money back to your insurance provider, they certainly take enough as it is.
Finally, with all the gatherings coming up with family and friends, we also offer teeth whitening services to get your smile as white as the snow in the back bowls of Vail.
Call our friendly receptionist Katie today for an appointment!