A Bun In The Oven (And Almost Baked)!

If you have been into the office in the last 9 months, I’m sure you have heard (or seen) that Dr. Rosenvold is pregnant. Well, we are in the final home stretch and it shouldn’t be long until we have a new member of the Elska family. Dr. Rosenvold is set to...

One Month Left Until The Drawing

Just a reminder, only one month left until our drawing for 250 dollars cash! If you haven’t yet, please like/follow us on social media and leave a review for us! The drawing will be held on May 31st.

Continuing Education in Miami

Dr. Rosenvold recently returned from an extensive continuing education course at the Pankey Institute in Miami. While there, she honed her skills in fixing front teeth, anterior teeth restorations, and business management. The classes started at 8am and ended at 9pm,...

Membership Program

Many people are blessed to have dental insurance, but of all US adults 18-64 only approximately 50% of people receive dental benefits through their employer. For those that don’t, the cost of cleanings, fillings, and other procedures are often cost prohibitive....

New To The Area?

With the increased popularity of working from home, we know many people have the opportunity to move to their dream state for work. Where you might have once felt stuck in somewhere, you can now work from home in Colorado and enjoy everything that our beautiful state...